Inviting Nominations for the Rajiv Gandhi National Awards-2020

Inviting Nominations for the Chittoor District Centenary Awards-2020.

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Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India (AGRASRI)
# Plot No.11, Sri Venkata Sai Nilayam
Thummalagunta, S.V. University P.O.
Tirupati-517502, Andhra Pradesh. India
Mobile: +91-6302947338, +91-9441245085
E.mail: drsundarram@gmail.com | agrasridirector@gmail.com
Website: www.agrasri.org.in

The Journal of understanding ‘Village Republics of India’ is a leading journal published in India, by the Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. The Grassroots Governance Journal is a peer-reviewed bi-annual research journal, published in June and December. The journal was launched by Shri Shivraj V. Patil, Speaker of Tenth Lok Sabha, on 25th August, 2003 at Tirupati. It is committed to study and research on issues, problems, prospects and future challenges of Panchayati Raj and Nagar Palikas Institutions and become a vehicle of advanced study of comparative democratic grassroots institutions and decentralised governance in contemporary rural India. The journal aims to stimulate and develop future debate on areas of topical concern in grassroots polity and governance. It will provide a forum for the multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary study of contemporary rural development issues of concern to India while encouraging a closer interaction between social sciences and policy making.
The journal addresses a wide range of readers and reaches to policy makers, administrators, social scientists, civil servants, academicians, parliamentarians, social activists, researchers, students in social sciences and elected representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions in India while focusing on the changing reforms and initiatives taken by the respective Governments at the Centre and States for good governance at the grassroots level. In every issue of the journal, we try to put on the table some of the most important issues pertaining to the rural India.
The journal is ably supported by a high profiled Editorial Board Members with academic contributions, under the Chairmanship of Dr. Subhash C. Kashyap, eminent Constitutional expert and Former Secretary-General of Lok Sabha, New Delhi. Dr. D. Sundar Ram, Director of AGRASRI, is the Editor of The Grassroots Governance Journal. The Indian Council of Social Science Research, (ICSSR), New Delhi, has provided publication grant to the journal for 5 years from 2011-2012 to 2015-2016. The Grassroots Governance Journal is listed in the UGC approved Journals in the Year-2017.
The journal invites policy makers, researchers, social scientists, civil servants, academicians, parliamentarians, social activists and students in social sciences to share their research and or experiences in various forms- from full length papers and case studies to comments and vignettes of experimental learning. The AGRASRI will appreciate receiving journals/ periodicals/research publications from other Institutes/Organisations in exchange of The Grassroots Governance Journal.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means, electrical, mechanical or otherwise, without first seeking the written permission of the publishers or due acknowledgement.
The Grassroots Governance Journal is an open forum which encourages all points of view. However, views expressed in its pages are the contributors own and do not necessarily represent the opinions or policies of the Editorial Board of The Grassroots Governance Journal and Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India.
The editor will consider only original manuscripts received, but take no responsibility in accepting them. They will be returned only if accompanied by appropriate postage.
Printed and Published by Dr. D. Sundar Ram on behalf of Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India, # Plot No: 11, H.No. 2-37, Sri Venkata Sai Nilayam, Thummalagunta, S.V. University PO, Tirupati-517502, Andhra Pradesh. Printed at CN Printers, 99, Prakasam Road, Tirupati-517502. Editor: Dr. D. Sundar Ram
The Grassroots Governance Journal is a peer-reviewed journal in social sciences being published bi-annually (January-June and July-December) by the Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India. The journal has following aims which it is constantly striving to achieve:
- to study and research on issues, problems, prospects and challenges of Panchayati Raj and Nagar Palika Institutions and become a vehicle of advanced study of democratic grassroots institutions and decentralised governance in India in a comparative perspective;
- to stimulate and develop future debate on areas of topical concern in grassroots polity, good governance and gram swaraj in India;
- to provide a forum for the multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary study of contemporary rural development issues of concern to India while encouraging a closer interaction between social scientists, policy makers and elected representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions;
- to arrange for periodical conferences and seminars of social scientists on relevant themes of rural India;
- to understand the ground realities of the Self-sufficient Village Republics of India as per the provisions of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act; and
- to facilitate exchange of information on research and training, as between grassroots democratic institutions and associations.

- Chairman
Former Secretary-General of Lok Sabha and Founder-Chairman, AGRASRI, New Delhi.
E.mail: sckashyap@gmail.com
- Editor
Founder-Director, Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India, Tirupati, AP.
E.mail: drsundarram@gmail.com
- Consulting Editor
Director, Madhya Pradesh Institute of Social Science Research, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh.
E.mail: yatindra15@yahoo.com
National Fellow, Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.
E.mail: profmpsingh@gmail.com
Former ICSSR National Fellow and Visiting Professor, Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad.
E.mail: prof.balaramulu@gmail.com
Prof. S.P. JAIN
Former Director, National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad, Telengana.
E.mail: spjain40@gmail.com
Former Visiting Professor, National Law School of India University, Bengaluru, Karnataka.
E.mail: satyansangita@gmail.com
Chair Professor, Dr. Ambedkar Chair in Social Justice, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi.
E.mail: sheelachavva@gmail.com
Director, Centre for Rural Management, Kottayam, Kerala.
E.mail: joschathukulam@gmail.com
Former Professor, Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad, Telengana.
E.mail: mgopinathreddy@gmail.com
HAG Professor and Head, CDD, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru, Karnataka.
E.mail: raja@isec.ac.in
Hony. Professor, Karnataka State Rural Development & Panchayati Raj University, Gadag, Karnataka.
E.mail: sivanna55.n@gmail.com
- Editorial Assistant (Research)
Senior Assistant Director, Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India, Tirupati, AP
E.mail: dsucharitha850@gmail.com
- Editorial Assistant (Production)
Mr. D. SAI KUMAR, B.E. (Mech. Eng.)
Assistant Director, Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India, Tirupati, AP
E.mail: dsaikumar1996@gmail.com
Registered Office: # Plot No: 11, Sri Venkata Sai Nilayam, Thummalagunta, S.V. University PO,
Tirupati-517502, Andhra Pradesh
Mobiles: 6302947338, 9441245085, 9908692095
E.mail:drsundarram@gmail.com> agrasridirector@gmail.com
Former Chairman, Karnataka State Legislative Council, Bengaluru, Karnataka.
E.mail: bkc4032@gmail.com
Prof. M. ASLAM
Former Vice-Chancellor, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi.
E.mail: profaslam10@gmail.com
UGC Member and Vice-Chancellor, Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Viswavidyalaya, Kanpur Kalan, Haryana.
E.mail: sushma_iipa@yahoo.co.in
Former IT Adviser to the Government of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, Telengana.
E.mail: tripuraneni1931@gmail.com
Former Rector, Andhra University and Director, Centre for Policy Studies, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
E.mail: ayyagariprasannakumar@gmail.com
Rajiv Gandhi Chair Professor for Panchayati Raj Studies (Retd.), Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram, Tamil Nadu.
E.mail: gpalanithurai@gmail.com
Professor of Communications and Journalism, Sri Padmavathi Mahila Viswavidyalayam, Tirupati, Andhra Padesh.
E.mail: kiranrn.prasad@gmail.com
SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Including the Postal Charges in India and Abroad)
India | Annual | 3 Years | 5 Years |
Individuals | Rs. 850 | Rs. 2,500 | Rs. 4,500 |
Institutions | Rs. 1,250 | Rs. 3,800 | Rs. 6,500 |
Foreign | Annual | 3 Years | 5 Years |
Individuals | $85 | $260 | $425 |
Institutions | $165 | $500 | $850 |
Outstation Cheques should include bank charges of Rs.80 in India and $5 in abroad.
The subscription and advertisement amount should be made by DD/Cheque drawn in favour of Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India, Tirupati, payable at Tirupati, in any Nationalised Bank.
a) | Account Holder: | Academy of Grassroots Studies and Research of India |
b) | Account No. | 003311011001100 |
c) | IFSC Code No. | UBIN0800333 |
d) | Name of the Bank | Union Bank of India |
e) | Name of the Branch | Balaji Nagar, Tirupati-517502, Andhra Pradesh |
f) | Branch Code | 333 |
Launching of The Grassroots Governance Journal by Shri Shivraj V. Patil, Hon’ble Speaker of 10th Lok Sabha, New Delhi, on 25th August, 2003 at Tirupati
![]() |
Shri Shivraj V. Patil, the Hon’ble Speaker of 10th Lok Sabha, launching the Inaugural Issue of The Grassroots Governance Journal (TGGJ) on 25 August, 2003 at Tirupati.
The Grassroots Governance Journal issues, published by AGRASRI, since 2003 onwards:
![]() Volume I, Number 1, June, 2003 |
![]() Volume I, Number 2, December, 2003 |
![]() Volume II, Number 1, June, 2004 |
![]() Volume II, Number 2, December, 2004 |
![]() Volume III, Number 1, June, 2005 |
![]() Volume III, Number 2, December, 2005 |
![]() Volume IV, Number 1, June, 2006 |
![]() Volume IV, Number 2, December, 2006 |
![]() Volume V, Number 1, June, 2007 |
![]() Volume V, Number 2, December, 2007 |
![]() Volume VI, Number 1, June, 2008 |
![]() Volume VI, Number 2, December, 2008 |
![]() Volume VII, No’s 1 & 2, June & December, 2009 |
![]() Volume VIII, No’s 1 & 2, June & December, 2010 |
![]() Volume IX, Number 1, June, 2011 |
![]() Volume IX, Number 2, December, 2011 |
![]() Volume X, Number 1, June, 2012 |
![]() Volume X, Number 2, December, 2012 |
![]() Volume XI, Number 1, June, 2013 |
![]() Volume XI, Number 2, December, 2013 |
![]() Volume XII, Number 1, June, 2014 |
![]() Volume XII, Number 2, December, 2014 |
![]() Volume XIII, Number 1, June, 2015 |
![]() Volume XIII, Number 2, December, 2015 |
- The length of the article (including notes and references) should be between 8,000 and 10,000 words.
- Two copies of the article, typed and double - spaced on one side of A4-size paper with wide margin should be sent to the Editor. Word processed articles should be accompanied by the virus - checked CD containing the final version. The name and version of the software (preferably MS Word) used must be clearly indicated.
- The first page of the article should contain title of the article, the author’s name and designation and institutional affiliation.
- Notes and references should be numbered consecutively and presented at the end of the article, and not at the foot of each page. A book reference should comprise name, initials, full title, place of publication, publisher, year and page number. The following examples illustrate the style to be followed in References:
a) Books:
Robert Wade, Village Republics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1988.
b) Articles in Edited Volumes:
H. Gazdar and S. Sengupta, ‘Agrarian Politics and Rural Development in West Bengal’, in Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen (Eds.) Indian Development : Selected Regional Perspectives, New York, Oxford University Press, 1997.
c) Articles in Journals:
George Mathew, ‘Panchayati Raj Institutions and Human Rights in India’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 38, No. 2, January 11-17, 2003, Pp. 155-162.
d) Edited Volumes:
Subhash C. Kashyap (Ed.) National Resurgence Through Electoral Reforms, New Delhi, Shipra Publications, 2002.
e) Articles from Newspapers:
The place of publication of newspapers need only be cited if the newspaper has multiple editions. Therefore,
Andre Beteille, ‘Village Republics’, The Hindu (Chennai), 3 September 2002. D. Bandyopadhyay, ‘Rajiv Gandhi and the Third Tier of Governance’. The Pioneer, 20 August, 1994.
f) Unpublished Works:
i) M.King, ‘The Growth of Police Powers in the Federal Republic of Germany: An Analysis of the Relations of the State, Legitimation and Coercion’, ‘Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Univesity of Wales, 1987.
ii) M.Govinda Rao and Nirvikar Singh, ‘Fiscal Transfers in a Developing Country-The Case of India’, Paper presented at the Seminar on Comparative Federalism, Birmingham, 18-19 January, 2002.
g) References to Websites:
K. Bala Krishnan and G.V.L. Narasimha Rao,‘Voters Foresee another Unclear Verdict’, http//www. timesofindia.com 2 May 1999. - Contributors should send their articles, review articles, comments and research notes after careful revision of the type-script. Care should be taken to ensure that the article is free from typographical and factual mistakes.
- A submitted article must be accompanied by a) 150 words abstract, b) a declaration that it has not been previously published nor it is being considered for publication elsewhere, and
c) a brief biographical sketch of the author(s) giving past and current institutional affiliations, major publications and current academic pursuits. - Book reviews and review articles will be accepted only when accompanied by two copies of the books reviewed.
- Critical comments and discussion on articles in the Journal and additional thoughts on them will be considered for early publication, especially if they do not exceed 2,000 words. The length of a book review should not exceed 1000 words and a review article 1500 words.
- Contributory copy of the Journal will be supplied at free of charge to the senior author.
- All correspondence relating to manuscripts, book reviews, manuscripts and advertisements should be sent to:
Editor, The Grassroots Governance Journal
# Plot No:11, Sri Venkata Sai Nilayam, Thummalagunta
SV University PO, Tirupati-517 502, Andhra Pradesh
Mobile: +91-94412 45085, +91-6302947338
E.mail: drsundarram@gmail.com
Website : www.agrasri.org.in